本书第一部分介绍作文的写作过程;第二部分 …… [ 展开全部 ]
- 作者:[美] John Langan
- 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 定价:66.90元
- ISBN:9787513550154
4 goals
Organization or coherence
Sentence skills = error-free sentences英语作文四个目标 -
Discovering a thesis
Developing solid support for the thesis
Organizing the thesis and supporting materials and writing it out in a first draft
Revising and then editing carefully to
ensure an effective, error-free paper(Page 19) -
Typical structure
one-para intro, three-para a body , one-para conclusion
Introductory Paragraph
interesting beginning thesis +(plan of development)
Body: Supporting Paragraph
each supporting para beginning with a topic sentence
Concluding Paragraph
restatement of the thesis
Diagram of an Essay (Page 10)英语写作五段论 -
Typical structure
one-para intro, three-para a body , one-para conclusion
Introductory Paragraph
interesting beginning thesis +(plan of development)
Body: Supporting Paragraph
each supporting para beginning with a topic sentence
Concluding Paragraph
restatement of the thesis
Diagram of an Essay (Page 10)英语写作五段论 -
Typical structure
one-para intro, three-para a body , one-para conclusion
Introductory Paragraph
interesting beginning thesis +(plan of development)
Body: Supporting Paragraph
each supporting para beginning with a topic sentence
Concluding Paragraph
restatement of the thesis
Diagram of an Essay (Page 10)英语写作五段论