
《黑旗:ISIS的崛起》全书分为“扎卡维的崛起”“伊拉克往事”和“伊斯兰国”三卷。当1999年约旦政府特赦一批政治犯时,没人意识到其中那个名叫阿布•穆萨卜•扎卡维的男人, …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 作者:[美] 乔比·沃里克
  • 出版社:中信出版社
  • 定价:56
  • ISBN:7508668510
卷一 扎卡维的崛起
  • 祖国的脱缰Q
    2017-03-01 14:11:28 摘录
    Everyone at al-Jafr knew how Zarqawi worshipped his mother, how he became like a little boy whenever she visited. He would prepare for days, scrubbing his clothes in the sink and tidying up his corner of the cell. Some inmates knew about his love letters to her, and to his sisters. Scarcely a word was mentioned about Zarqawi’s wife, Intisar, or their two young children. But to his mother and sisters he wrote gushing notes adorned with poems and hand-drawn flowers in the margins.