产品经济的时代渐行渐远,在以服务为主导的新经济时代,在强调体验和价值的互联网时代,如何才能做到提前想用户之所想?如何比用户想得更周到?如何设计可用、好用和体贴的服务?这些 …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 作者:宝莱恩 (Andy Polaine) 乐维亚 (Lavrans Lovlie) 里森 (Ben Reason)
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • 定价:CNY 69.00
  • ISBN:9787302396550
  • 2017-08-28 14:04:02 摘录
    Educational institutions suffer a similar problem . it is no coincidence that the spread of mass public education coincided with the industrial revolution .families moved from rural areas to cities to work in factories . children
    needed to be cared for while their parents worked , and they needed to be educated ( although some children ended up working in factories , too .)
    the style of this mass education matched the jobs the children were likely to get in the factories , requiring them to sit still , be quiet , do what they were told , and learn tasks by rote and routine . if you compare a classroom and its rows desks with a sweatshop and its rows of sewing machines , the resemblance is not a coincidence .
  • 2017-08-22 10:44:53 摘录
    The project team must then align insights from backstage staff with customer needs and define where in the customer journey the experience
    breaks down or great opportunities exist . where do channels and technologies play well together to produce value , and when do they run counter to each other finally , you will design or write the design specification for all of the touchpoints
  • 2017-08-22 08:22:49 摘录