人总是在做着千奇百怪的梦,而梦境事实上是在预示和启迪着你的人生前途。掌握解梦的秘诀,神秘莫测的梦相,便会大白于天下:人生旅途中的迷雾,便会及时地被驱散。《普拉提自学天书( …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 作者:Maggie Tan,杨灵 著
  • 出版社:当代世界出版社
  • 定价:36.00元
  • ISBN:9787801157751
  • 2017-09-20 12:35:36 摘录
    Exhale . draw in the abdominal muscles begin to curl the pelvis , lifting the lower back vertebra by vertebra off the floor . Midway through the motion , recruit the hamstrings to lift the pelvis and trunk higher off the mat . then as you inhale , keep
    the body still , with the legs parallel engage the shoulder
    extensors to accentuate the extension of the upper back
