Lean In is Sheryl Sandberg's generation-defining call to action and blueprint for ind …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 出版社:Vintage Books Open-Market Edition
  • 定价:80.00元
  • ISBN:9781101872703
  • 2018-08-14 13:26:05 摘录
    I followed their advice andthroughout college, I vetted every date as a potential husband(which, trust me, is a sure way to ruin a date at age nineteen).
  • 2018-08-14 13:22:39 摘录
    If we can succeed in adding more female voices at the highest levels, we will expand opportunities and extend fairer treatment to all.
  • 2018-08-14 13:20:37 摘录
    We each have to chart our own unique course and define which goals fit our lives,values, and dreams.
  • 2018-08-14 13:18:26 摘录
    A 2oII McKinsey report noted that menare promoted based on potential, while women are promotedbased on past accomplishments.
  • 2018-08-14 13:14:57 摘录
    A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes.
  • 2018-08-14 13:13:48 摘录
    But knowing that things could be worse should not stop us from trying to make them better.
  • 2018-08-13 15:40:09 摘录
    Today in the United States and the developed world women are better off than ever. We stand on the shoulders of the women who came before us, women who had to fight for the rights that we now take for granted.
  • 2018-08-12 12:01:55 摘录
    Her response was four simple words: "More women in power.Leymah and I could not have come from more different back-grounds, and yet we have both arrived at the same conclusion.Conditions for all women will improve when there are more women in leadership roles giving strong and powerful voice to their needs and concerns.
    一个朋友送的生日礼物,书里夹的卡片上写着believe you can achieve much more than expected,大概是对我高考不如意的鼓励吧。More women in power挺震撼的,原来女性可以不仅仅是outstanding,还可以是leader.