《Principles 》记录了Bridgewater创始人Ray Dalio对自己人生成功过程的反 …… [ 展开全部 ]
- 作者:Ray Dalio
- 出版社:Simon & Schuster
- 定价:USD 30.00
- ISBN:9783161484155
I learned that if you work hard and creatively, you can have just about anything you want, but not everything you want.
Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones.机会成本 -
Think about it: It’s senseless to have making money as your goal as money has no intrinsic value—its value comes from what it can buy, and it can’t buy everything.
It’s smarter to start with what you really want, which are your real goals, and then work back to what you need to attain them.
Money will be one of the things you need, but it’s not the only one and certainly not the most important one once you get past having the amount you need to get what you really want.不经意间和最聪明的大脑想法一致 不知是否合适呀 有一位很佩服的姐姐也说过一句话 Do whatever you want and money will come anyway. 人不是生活在真空中,人是社会关系的集合,不免要受到社会通行评价标准的影响。 好在这个时代,给了大多数人足够用的自由度,可以探索自己真正想要成为的那个人。只是幸运的人很快找到,迷茫的人还在碰壁,当然也有懵懂的人随着大流走也提前获得了某种安全感。 -
As we get older, we begin to make our own choices.
We choose what we are going after (our goals), and that influences our paths.
If you want to be a doctor, you go to medical school; if you want to have a family, you
find a mate; and so on.
It pays to think about how we make them because they are what ultimately determine the quality of our lives. -
“人们似乎生活在有时和或许的世界里,但他们希望继续生活在永远的确定中”( Bronowski 978a,p.94)
类认知的阿喀琉斯之踵。 -
I am still writing them, along with others at Bridgewater, and expect to continue to write them until people don’t care to read them or I die.春蚕到死丝方尽