


World Order

  • 作者:Henry Kissinger
  • 出版社:Penguin Press
  • 定价:USD 36.00
  • ISBN:9781594206146
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  • 2018-06-04 摘录
    This is the wrong question, Krishna rejoins. Because life is eternal and cyclical and the essence of the universe is indestructible, "the wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. There has never been a time when you and I and the kings gathered here have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist. Redemption will come through the fulfillment of a preassigned duty, paired with a recognition that its outward manifestations are illusory because the impermanent has no reality; reality lies in the eternal. Arjuna, a warrior,has been presented with a war he did not seek. He should accept the circumstances with equanimity and fulfill his role with honor, and must strive to kill and prevail.
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  • 2018-06-04 摘录自第 125 页
    Does America consider itself obliged to support every popular uprising against any nondemocratic government, including those heretofore considered important in sustaining the international system? Isevery demonstration democratic by definition? Is Saudi Arabia an ally only until public demonstrations develop on its territory? Among America's principal contributions to the Arab Spring was to condemn, oppose, or work to remove governments it judged autocrat
    the government of Egypt, heretofore a valued ally.
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