作者蔡崇达,本着对故乡亲人的情感,用一种客观、细致、冷静的方式,讲述了一系列刻在骨肉间故事。一个福建渔业小镇 …… [ 展开全部 ]
- 作者:蔡崇达
- 出版社:天津人民出版社
- 定价:39.8
- ISBN:9787201088945
Martin Grat
ER随ANYfrst read jules vermes's Jowmoy to the Centre of the Earth several years ago. When I was readng it again,began to make ittle drawings of the character Professor Lidenbrock and Axel hs nephew, as well as theterrain they pass througn and the monsters they encounter undergrourd Oddly enough, ther joumeybegns m Anona. Hamburg, where I have been livng for I0 years From there. they head to leland
where they begin ther descent nto the centre of the earth.
At cne point. the Professor and hi nephew get lost but n spte of the terrifying, monsters and
menacing volcanoes end up finding their way agarMy idea was to depict ther journey from ther home to Hamburg and then onto leland and the centreof the earth and, snal their retum home. The reader would follow the afferent stages of ther joumeyby turing the pages, as well as locking for the best path to take at the same time as them. This way, thereader could get lost tool I therefore imagined the book as being a bit like a maze. I decided to split thestory up into five parts that were made up of the most mportant passages of the book Once the fivescenes had been roughly designed. I had to deconstruct the book to be able to design each part down
to is smalest detailThen I began the process of constructing correcting, re-produoing, re constructing and correcting oncemore. After that I started making the final drawings with paint and ink, Because I decided to prnt the
bock in two colours. I had to draw everything twice. making 400 smal drawings in totalWrting the assembly nstructions and the des gning the printed sheets took me another coupe of daysI then printed 500 nine-page copies of the book in two colours using my old Rotaprint R45K offset
printing press Then, after a day cr two of drying I created the frst colour boaks
It was a great feeling to leaf through the first copy of a new pop-up booe
Remarks from Martin Graf juy 201I -
说实话我一直不理解,也一直像个任性的孩子接受不了,为什么时光这列车一定要开得这么快,为什么还要有各自那么多分岔,我不知道我们这么急匆匆地到底要去向何方?但我知道,或许不仅是我一个人在大呼小叫,那些静默的人,内心里肯定和我一样地潮汐,我不相信成熟能让我们接受任何东西,成熟只是让我们更能自欺欺人。 -
或许,生活就是张这样的问卷,你没有回答,它会一直追问下去,而且你不回答这个问题,就永远看不到下一个问题。 -
好方式 -