


Salt Water Taffy or Twentythousand Leagues Away from the Sea

  • 作者:Triplett, June
  • 出版社:
  • 定价:193.00 元
  • ISBN:9781419104725
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  • 2019-07-21 摘录
    We stayed on the alert until daylight, getting ready for action. Whaling gear was set up along the railings. Our chief officer loaded the blunderbusses, which can launch harpoons as far as a mile, and long duck guns with exploding bullets that can mortally wound even
    the most powerful animals. Ned Land was content to sharpen hisharpoon, a dreadful weapon in his hands
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  • 2019-07-21 摘录
    hear the fearsome thrashings of the animal's tail, and even its pantilngbreath. Seemingly, the moment this enormous narwhale came up tobreathe at the surface of the ocean, air was sucked into its lungs like 2,000-horsepower engine.
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  • 2019-07-20 摘录自第 38 页
    Ned Land still kept up the most tenacious skepticism; beyond his spells on watch, he pretended that he never even looked at the surface ofthe waves, at least while no whales were in sight. And yet the marvelous power of his vision could have performed yeoman service.But this stubborn Canadian spent eight hours out of every twelve reading or sleeping in his cabin.
    巧妙的手法,感觉Ned Land像个孩子一样赌气一样,塑造Ned land一种头脑简单,四肢发达的形象,这也挺符合这类人的。后面比喻突出Ned 视力好也是非常妙,视力就像忠实的仆人一样,就算Ned在生孩子气,仍然为Ned服务.
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