



《新概念英语配套辅导讲练测:新概念英语2同步词汇讲、练、听(新概念英语学习必备)》讲解部分语境都配以标准英音朗读,帮助读者加深对单词的记忆;《新概念英语配套辅导讲练测: …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 作者:新概念英语名师编写组 编
  • 出版社:北京教育出版社
  • 定价:23.20元
  • ISBN:9787552215892
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  • 2017-10-11 摘录
    To build and maintain a more complex brain, our ancestors used ingredients found primarily in meat, including iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and fatty acids. Although plants contain many of the same nutrients, they occur in lower quantities and often in a form that humans cannot readily use.
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  • 2017-09-09 摘录
    a private conversation
    Last week i went to the theatre . i had a very good seat . the play was very interesting . i did ot enjoy it . a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me . they were talking loudly . i got very angry . i could not hear the actors . i turned round . i looked at the man and the woman ngrily . they did not pay any attention . in the end , i could not bear it . i turned round again . ' i can ' t
    hear a word ! i said angrily it ' s none of your business , the young man said rudely . this is a private conversation !
    New words and expressions生词和短语
    private adj.私人的
    conversation 1.谈话
    theatre n.剧场,戏院
    seat n.座位
    lly adv.大声地
    angry adj.生气的
    angrily adv.生气地
    attention n.注意
    bear v.容忍
    ely ady.无礼地,粗鲁地
    It's a very interesting story. I studied it when i was in junior high school, and I read this story for many times,may be I like this simple story!
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