Lean In is Sheryl Sandberg's generation-defining call to action and blueprint for in …… [ 展开全部 ]
- 出版社:Vintage Books Open-Market Edition
- 定价:80.00元
- ISBN:9781101872703
I followed their advice andthroughout college, I vetted every date as a potential husband(which, trust me, is a sure way to ruin a date at age nineteen).哈哈哈哈好像送我这书的人说的一样,谈恋爱最喜欢想这想那,喜欢说反正上了大学也要分手这种话。
If we can succeed in adding more female voices at the highest levels, we will expand opportunities and extend fairer treatment to all.
We each have to chart our own unique course and define which goals fit our lives,values, and dreams.
A 2oII McKinsey report noted that menare promoted based on potential, while women are promotedbased on past accomplishments.
A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes.