本书的主体部分由三篇精彩的宪法论文与25个司法大案组成,一共28节。这三篇论文是《美国宪法的英国普通法渊源》、《保守的美国革命产生了长寿的联邦宪法》和《美国宪政法治捍卫 …… [ 展开全部 ]
- 作者:任东来 陈伟 白雪峰
- 出版社:中国法制出版社
- 定价:35.00元
- ISBN:9787801821386
you have the right to remain silent .anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of a law.you have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present while you are being questionged .if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer ,one will be appointed to represent you before questioning ,if you wish one.~~~~~~“米兰达告诫”~~~~~你有权保持沉默;否则你所说的一切,都能够而且将会在法庭上作为指控你的不利证据;审问之前,你有权与律师谈话,得到律师的帮助和建议;你有权请律师在你受审问时在场;如果你希望聘请律师但却雇不起,法庭将为你指定一位律师。