



奥威尔:被称为西方世界的良心,欧洲的鲁迅。 评论家认为“多一个人看奥威尔,就多了一份自由的保障。” 《动物农场》入选兰登书屋 20世纪百部优秀小说 西方文学的童话和寓言 …… [ 展开全部 ]
  • 作者:[英] 乔治·奥威尔
  • 出版社:北京十月文艺出版社
  • 定价:22.00元
  • ISBN:9787530210284
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  • 2017-07-11 摘录
    There was the same hearty cheering as before , and the mugs were emptied to the dregs . But as the animals outside gazed at the scene , it seemed to them that some strange thing was happening What was it that had altered in the faces of the pigs clovers old dim eyes flitted from one face to another . Some of them had five chins , some had four . some had three . But what was it that seemed to be melting and changing then the applause having come to an end the company took up their cards and continued the game that had been interrupted , and the animals crept silently away.
    But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short An uproar of voices was coming from the farmhouse.They rushed back and looked through the window again.Yes , a violent quarrel was in progress . There were shoutings bangings on the table sharp suspicious glances , furious denials . The source of the trouble appeared to be that napoleon and mr pilkington had each played an ace of spades simultaneously .
    Twelve voices were shouting in anger , and they were all alike . no question , now , what had happened to the faces of the pigs.The creatures outside looked from plg to man , and from man to pig , and from pig to man again ; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
    But already it was impossible to say which was which.
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